Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Health Insurance Companies Seek Big Rate Increases for 2016 - How Will This Affect Health Care Businesses and Providers?

Zach Gibson / New York Times
Health care providers need to follow what is happening with health insurance companies: the mergers, the rate increases, the data issues, the complexitites. These mirror what will be happening in the health care industry as a whole. 

Reporter Robert Pear’s article in The New York Times (7/3/15) entitled “Health Insurance Companies Seek Big Rate Increases for 2016” explains how “health insurance companies around the country are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent or more, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected.” Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back.

“Insurers with decades of experience and brand-new plans underestimated claims costs. Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans — market leaders in many states — are seeking rate increases that average 23 percent in Illinois, 25 percent in North Carolina, 31 percent in Oklahoma, 36 percent in Tennessee and 54 percent in Minnesota." 

The Oregon insurance commissioner just approved 2016 rate increases for companies that cover more than 220,000 people. Moda Health Plan, which has the largest enrollment in the state, received a 25 percent increase, and the second-largest plan, LifeWise, received a 33 percent increase.

Jesse Ellis O’Brien, a health advocate at the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group, said: “Rate increases will be bigger in 2016 than they have been for years and years and will have a profound effect on consumers here. Some may start wondering if insurance is affordable or if it’s worth the money.”

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the secretary of health and human services, said that federal subsidies would soften the impact of any rate increases. Of the 10.2 million people who obtained coverage through federal and state marketplaces this year, 85 percent receive subsidies in the form of tax credits to help pay premiums.

The good news is that there are more insured consumers. There are opportunities for health care providers and businesses. Consumers may buy catastrophic insurance to keep costs low and pay cash for everyday care where they can choose their own physicians. 

The money is going to the insurance carriers. How will the money trickle down from the carriers to the providers?  There is a pent up demand and my physician clients who provide primary care are completely overwhelmed.  This will change but it will take some years for this to adjust and the price levels to become predictable and for providers and businesses to have an idea of what life will be like in 5 years. 

Posted by Tracy Green, Esq.
Green and Associates, Attorneys at Law

Monday, June 15, 2015

Largest Health Insuance Companies Are Seeking to Merge in Order to Capture Medicare Managed Care Patients In a Multi Billion Dollar Industry

The Los Angeles Times reports today in an article entitled "Anthem, other health insurers are eyeing consolidation" by Chad Terhune that Anthem (the largest for profit insurer in California) is one of the potential bidders for Humana, Inc. The Los Angeles Times reports that Anthem had annual revenue of  $73 billion and profit last year of $2.6 billion. The consolidation of insurance companies is a trend that has been predicted for years in the health care industry. Humana is sought after due to its expertise in managed care plans for Medicare patients.

What does this mean for providers? There will be fewer carriers and it will be critical to have managed care and insurance contracts with the largest providers as the health care industry consolidates.

Posted by Tracy Green, Esq.

Monday, July 30, 2012

LA Times Article On "In Store Clinics Look To Be A Remedy For Healthcare Law Influx"

Gary Friedman/Los Angeles Times
In being a healthcare law lawyer, it is important to see ahead and get ahead of the curve. For years, I have been telling my physician clients about the trend for stores like Walmart to have in-store clinics and the need for clean, professional cash clinics. Especially with the large number of uninsureds or insureds with high deductibles - cash clinics for primary care issues like physicals, flu, etc. have a niche.

I have seen the trend in insureds going to a cash clinic in Los Angeles where they can see a physician or physician assistant or $50 for a routine matter because they do not want to pay a $20 copay on top of another $150 deductible.

Stores like Walmart, CVS and others were willing to open these clinics and know that they were going to make money on the ancillary services. With California's strict rules on the corporate practice of medicine, we have not seen many of these in store clinics. However, we see independent optometry practices at Target and Costco that comply with the prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine.

For those interested in the topic, the Los Angeles Times article "In Store Clinics Look To Be A Remedy For  Healthcare Law Influx" explores how these in-store clinics are looking to the fact that more people will be insured in the future. The article gives an example of a mother who took her son to a CVS clinic for a physical for sports for $49 because her son's insurance would not cover it until August and it would cost $150 at his physician's office. Look at what the big players are doing in healthcare when thinking about your own approach to your practice.

800 West 6th Street, Suite 450
Los Angeles, California 90017

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bakersfield Veteran Sentenced For Defrauding VA To Obtain Disability Benefits

Recently, there was a sentencing in an unusual disability benefits fraud case in Fresno, California. This case involved a former veteran, Roger Keith Remy of Bakersfield, who was convicted of altering medical records to obtain VA benefits by making it seem as if it was a service connected disability. As pensions become rarer and retirement savings are not enough for people to retire, I believe there will be an increase in prosecutions for persons who falsify information or documents in order to obtain disability benefits.

The evidence introduced at trial showed that Mr. Remy was a veteran who left the military in 1973. In 2002, he allegedly devised a scheme to get VA benefits for what he claimed was a service connected disability. To support this claim, he obtained medical records from Queens Medical Center in Hawaii relating to admissions he had to this facility in 1974 and 1975 for a tonsillectomy and circumcision. He allegedly altered the documents to make it appear he had been treated for a heart attack earlier in the year, when a heart attack would still be considered to have occurred during his time in the U.S. Army. He then made a photocopy of the medical records to hide the alteration, and submitted them to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Mr. Remy's initial claim for benefits was granted, and he subsequently received over $200,000 in benefits. The plot thickened, however, in January 2005 when Mr. Remy asked for his benefits to be made retroactive to 1974. He supported his claim for retroactive benefits by resubmitting the same altered medical records. The altered records were discovered when the Veteran’s Administration noticed the documents looked a little odd, and they obtained copies of the real medical records directly from Queens Medical Center in Hawaii. The 2005 claim was thereafter denied. Had the claim been successful, he would have been entitled to receive retroactive benefits of over $570,581.

After a jury trial in the federal court in the Eastern District of California, Mr. Remy was found guilty on February 26, 2009 of three counts of submitting false documents and three counts of submitting false claims to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

On September 8, 2009, Roger Keith Remy of Bakersfield, was sentenced by United States District Judge Oliver Wanger to two years in prison. He was also ordered to pay $220,618 in restitution to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Judge Wanger, in sentencing Mr. Remy, said that he had not accepted responsibility for his crime, and that the magnitude and intent of the scheme required a prison sentence of 24 months.

Attorney Commentary: First, the sentence was lengthy in this case because the judge found that Mr. Remy had "not accepted responsibility for his crime" and this arises often after a defendant has exercised his right to go to trial. If there is a conviction after trial where a plea agreement was offered with a much lower sentence, there is essentially a "tax" for exercising one's constitutional right to have a jury trial.

If a defendant testifies at trial and is later convicted, there is a risk that in federal cases there will be an increase in the sentence based on "obstruction of justice" since the jury has found that they did not believe the defendant's testimony. In state cases, the defendant's testimony at trials can affect the judge's sentence depending on the credibility of the testimony.

Second, as noted above, the temptation for individuals to falsify information or documents in order to obtain disability benefits is strong especially when 401ks and retirement funds have lost much of their value and the old-fashioned pension is not available to most workers.

Third, when we see individuals making false statements or submitting false documents to insurance companies and governmental agencies it has not often been well thought out. It is often rationalized by the individual for various reasons (they have been paying for disability insurance for years, they are entitled to benefits, insurance companies are large, they have paid for insurance for years and never made claims, and the false representations will not adversely affect the company or government, etc.).

The conduct was usually not intended to be a "scheme to defraud" in their mind. This may be denial but we often find it to be true. It was usually never been considered what would happen if the false representations were ever discovered. Usually, they think that all they need to do is to repay the amount and there will not be criminal prosecution. Sometimes this is the case but there is now a higher risk of prosecution. The tolerance for "fraud" in this post-Enron/Madoff world where our economy has been crippled and governments are in deep debt has waned.

Fourth, if our clients are the subject of such investigations, we do our best to fully evaluate the case and the risks of prosecution at an early stage. If there is the opportunity to settle civilly, we pursue that angle and realize that there may not be much room to negotiate if it is not successful. Moreover, although civil settlement agreements cannot promise "no prosecution," often confidentiality clauses can help ensure that there will be no communications with prosecuting agencies.

Other times, we will advise the client to cease the conduct so that the statute of limitations will begin to run. The statute of limitations in fraud cases is lengthy and this is a waiting game. In Mr. Remy's case if he had not continued his conduct in 2005, he would not have been discovered or charged.

Posted by Tracy Green. Any questions or comments should be directed to: Tracy Green is a principal at Green and Associates in Los Angeles, California. They focus their practice on the representation of professionals, individuals and businesses in civil, business, administrative and criminal proceedings. They have developed an expertise in health care, insurance fraud and disability insurance fraud cases over the past 20 years. The firm website is


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