In California, if there is a complaint made about a physician that alleges any type of "sexual misconduct," the California Medical Board handles those cases with a presumption that the physician is guilty until proven innocent. The incendiary nature of such an allegation makes it difficult for the Board to refuse to file unproven allegations and often physicians are forced into disciplinary hearings since the Board is reluctant to dismiss weak charges on its own.
The Los Angeles Times ran an article on December 29, 2010 entitled "
Doctor misconduct cases monitored in secrecy" regarding a program in Illinois. The article writes about criticisms of the Illinois Professionals Health Program which operates a diversion program for physicians involving alcohol and drug abuse and now sexual misconduct allegations. The article quotes certain opinions that such programs shield physicians and that patients should know about these allegations.
California Does Not Have A Diversion Program
In California, physicians have not been eligible for diversion in lieu of discipline where there are substance abuse allegations since 2008. California does not have any program for the diversion or monitoring of physicians with sexual misconduct allegations where there is also no discipline filed against the physician.
Physicians Can Enroll In Treatment Programs Confidentially Before Disciplinary Charges Are Filed
In California, if a physician has a substance abuse or sexual boundary issue, he or she is free to participate in any treatment program on their own which will remain completely confidential. There is no duty to report the enrollment to the Medical Board. However, if the Board received a complaint that the physician has a substance abuse or sexual boundary problem, the Board investigates the matter to determine if sufficient evidence is found to proceed to disciplinary action.
Most Disciplinary Charges Arising From Substance Abuse Arise From Arrests And Convictions
In our practice, we see most discipline filings relating to substance abuse arising from misdemeanor convictions (such as driving under the influence or wet reckless) and felony arrests and convictions. Physicians (and other health care providers) are required upon renewal to disclose their misdemeanor and felony convictions.
As for arrests, physicians are not required to report a misdemeanor arrest but as for a felony arrest, they must report a felony indictment or a felony information (meaning that in a state criminal case the case has gone through preliminary hearing and the physician has been held to answer). This means that if a doctor in California is arrested on felony charges, he or she does not need to report until held to answer after a preliminary hearing and an "Information" is filed. We have had cases where a physician was arrested on felony charges and we were able to have the charges dismissed before or at preliminary hearing which did not trigger any self-reporting requirements. Failure to report can be an additional ground for discipline.
Even though self-reporting is not required in felony cases until the Information is filed after a preliminary hearing, there is the risk that the city attorney or deputy district attorneys' office could notify the Board. Prosecutors in criminal cases are required to notify the Medical Board (and Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Podiatric and "other allied health board") of any felony filings against a licensee upon obtaining information that the defendant is a licensee of that board. California Business and Profession Code Sections 803.1. Thus, licensee must always be prepared for Board scrutiny where there has been an arrest.
Reporting also occurs since court clerks are required to report misdemeanor and felony convictions of any persons licensed by the Medical Board and other Boards (Chiropractic, Dental, Osteopathic, Acupuncture, Nursing, Vocational Nursing, Optometry, Veterinary, Pharmacy, Speech-Audiology, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Respiratory Care, Behavioral Science). California Business and Profession Code Sections 803.1 and 803.5.
Physicians and other licensees can expect that in California, disciplinary charges will be filed in lieu of any type of diversion program. Even where diversion programs exist (such as in nursing), the trend is to file disciplinary charges, place the licensee on probation and then require diversion. The Boards are very attuned to the political climate that they not be perceived as protecting physicians or other licensees and that the process be open to the public.
Posted by Tracy Green, Esq. Please email Ms. Green at or call her at 213-233-2260 to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation.
Any questions or comments should be directed to
Tracy Green, a very experienced
California health care attorney,
administrative attorney, and
California Medical Board attorney.
The firm focuses its practice on the representation of licensed professionals, individuals and businesses in civil, business, administrative and criminal proceedings. They have a specialty in representing licensed health care providers in California and throughout the country. Their website is: