Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sample Victories in Administrative and Licensing Cases - Many Which Followed Criminal Investigations Or Convictions

Often I get asked the question about what kind of results we obtain in cases. I might jokingly say that lawyers are like gamblers: you only hear about their winnings. However, we have obtained some excellent results even though every case is different. 

Some cases are true damage control cases while others clearly should not rise to the level of discipline. Quite a few are in the middle. I am a believer in working on the mitigation side of the case as early as possible, securing experts and creating good facts for the client. This often takes educating a client about what it takes to get a case closed without discipline especially as Board's have gotten harsher on the discipline these past 5 years. 

The following true cases are examples of our dedication to our clients and the quality of our work:

Medical Board of California

Petty Theft Arrests And Dispositions Results in No Disciplinary Action (2011)

Doctor client had been charges twice with shoplifting. In the first case, the doctor completed a diversion and the misdemeanor charge was dismissed. In the second criminal case, in which we represented her, she was charged with felony theft and we were able to reduce the charge to an infraction after a diversion. After assisting client with disclosures to the Board, the matter was closed without any discipline. 

Four Misdemeanor Convictions Results in Probation With No Suspension Time (2011)

Doctor client had been convicted of DUI in 2011, disturbing the peace in 2010, DUI in 1995 and DUI in 1994. Aggravating factors were an arrest for DUI with no charges filed after refusal to take a blood or breath test and an arrest for public intoxication with no charges filed. We worked on creating a sobriety program with the doctor after the 2011 DUI arrest but before the Accusation was filed. Once the Accusation was filed we worked with the client on the mitigation package. The matter was settled before hearing for probation with no suspension time. 

Criminal Conviction Mandated Reporting Results in No Disciplinary Action (2010)

Doctor client had been charged with Medi-Cal fraud and we represented her in the criminal case. After the preliminary hearing, we filed a motion to dismiss and the charges against her were dismissed but one of her nonmedical corporations plead to a criminal count since there was billing for services not provided and she was an officer of the corporation. After assisting client with mandated disclosures to Board and an interview and submission of mitigating evidence, matter was closed without discipline.

Felony Criminal Conviction For Fraud Results in Probation With No Suspension Time (2010)

Doctor client had been charged with Medi-Cal fraud with over $300,000 in restitution and we represented him in the criminal case. There was devastating evidence as the clinic was run by managers who used the doctor's license to commit fraud (prescriptions for power wheelchairs, hospital beds and unnecessary diagnostic tests). After assisting client with mandated disclosures to Board and an interview, we sought to settle the matter. The Board insisted on revocation of license. After a hearing with excellent mitigation evidence and an expert witness, the hearing officer imposed probation with no suspension time and the Board adopted the decision. 

Workers Compensation Complaint Results in No Disciplinary Action (2010)

Internist doctor client had seen a workers' compensation patient for a limited purpose (high blood pressure). The patient did not have any health insurance and had other health issues for which he was not authorized to be seen by the workers' compensation doctor. The doctor's charting was problematic, the referrals to other providers were not documented and the notes were minimal. We had the doctor sign up for a charting class before the Medical Board interview, submitted mitigating evidence regarding the role of a workers' compensation doctor in treatment, and presented other mitigating evidence.  The matter was closed without discipline. 

Nursing Board of California

Texas Probation Results in No Disciplinary Action On California License (2011)

Nurse maintained her California license after she moved to Texas. Nurse was placed on probation in Texas and successfully completed probation. California opened a complaint here in California for failure to report her Texas discipline and for the underlying case in Texas. We submitted a detailed response and mitigation package requesting that the case be closed without any discipline in California. After assisting client with disclosures to the Board, the matter was closed without any discipline. 

DUI Conviction and Failure to Comply With Diversion Program Resulted in Board Filing Petition to Revoke Probation - Probation Reinstated After Hearing (2011)

Nurse was convicted of DUI and placed on probation with required participation in diversion program and drug/alcohol testing. Nurse missed numerous testings. Board filed petition to revoke probation. We reached a settlement reinstating probation with an additional year of probation after submitting an extensive mitigation package. The Board of Nursing refused to adopt the settlement and demanded we go to hearing. The Board sought revocation of the license. After a hearing, the hearing officer issued a decision reinstating the license with an additional year of probation.   

Physician Assistant Board of California

Medical Marijuana Compliant Results in No Disciplinary Action On California License (2011)

Physician Assistant was performing physical examinations on patients for medical marijuana recommendations. Physician Assistant Board's position was that only a medical doctor can perform such examinations and that the examinations cannot be delegated. After assisting client with submissions to the Board and an interview, the matter was closed without any discipline. 

Inserting Non-FDA Approved IUDs Results in No Disciplinary Action On California License (2009)

Physician Assistant was inserting IUDs on low income patients in the Medi-Cal program which turned out to be non-FDA approved and made in Canada. After assisting the client with an audit by Medi-Cal, making disclosures to patients, we helped him respond to the Board complaint. After assisting client with submissions to the Board and an interview, the matter was closed without any discipline. 

Physical Therapy Board of California

Misdemeanor Conviction for Carrying Firearm in Public Place  Results in Public Reproval (2011)

Physician Assistant was convicted of misdemeanor of carrying a firearm in a public place and had the added fact of being in the possession of marijuana legally with his medical marijuana recommendation due to a disability.  After presenting the legal arguments, mitigation package and a settlement conference, the matter was resolved with a public letter of reproval.

Posted by Tracy Green, Esq. Please email Ms. Green at or call her at 213-233-2260 to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation. 

Any questions or comments  should be directed to Tracy Green, a very experienced administrative law attorney, licensing attorney, and board and bureau investigations and hearing attorney at


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